EWIRM Matrix |< << Previous Page - More Weeds Lists - Next Page >> >|
Hawaii HI | Resource | Description
![]() |
Species # | Price | Selection | Medium | Images | Size KB |
Hawaii | Invaders Database System University of Montana - Missoula | List of 78 noxious weeds in Hawaii where the weeds are categorized as Noxious weed (Y) | 78 | Free | Name Links | html | 100 | |
Hawaii | USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service | Division of Plant Industry. 2003. List of Plant Species Designated as Noxious Weeds. | 91 | Free | Name Links | html | Most | 100 |
Hawaii | Pest Plants of Hawaiian Native Ecosystems | Alien plant species that are among the greatest threats to native Hawaiian biota. Over 4,600 species of plants have been introduced into the Hawaiian Islands over the last 200 years. Only 86, less than 2% of the total, have become serious pests of native ecosystems. Of these, the most significant are Andropogon virginicus, Clidemia hirta, Lantana camara, Leucaena leucocephala, Melinis minutiflora, Myrica faya, Passiflora mollissima, Pennisetum clandestinum, P. setaceum, Psidium cattleianum, Rubus argutus, and Schinus terebinthifolius. | 157 | Free | Name Links | html | Most | 100-200 |
Hawaii | Hawaii's Most Invasive Horticultural Plants | This is a list of the worst invasive horticultural plants in Hawaii as put forth by the Hawaii State Alien Species Coordinator (Department of Land & Natural Resources [DLNR], Division of Forestry & Wildlife [DOFAW]). It is urged that species on this list not be grown anywhere in the state of Hawaii. | 105 | Free | Name Links | html | Most | 100 |
Hawaii |
Hawaii Weeds... |
More Weed ID files for Hawaii | ||||||
Hawaii | Multi-state Regions | Gardening Books by State or Province | Need help to remove troublesome weeds in Hawaii? | |||||
Idaho ID | Resource | Species # | Price | Selection | Medium | Images | Size KB | |
Idaho | Invaders Database System University of Montana - Missoula | List of 37 noxious weeds in Idaho where they are identified as Noxious weed: having the potential to cause injury to public health, crops, livestock, land or other property (Y). | 37 | Free | Name Links | html | 100 | |
Idaho | USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service | Idaho Department of Agriculture. 2001. Noxious Weed Rules. | 40 | Free | Name Links | html | Most | 100 |
Idaho | Western State and Provincial Weed List | The Idaho Department of Agriculture has designated 36 plant species as noxious weeds. | 36 | Free | Text List Only | html | None | N/A |
Idaho | Idaho's Noxious Weeds | Idaho Department of Agriculture Noxious Weed Program. Idaho has 64 different species of weeds, which are designated noxious by state law. The spread of these weeds and the damage they do to Idaho agriculture can be lessened through proper identification and handling. | 64 | Free | Name Links | html | Yes | 100 |
Idaho | Idaho Weed Awareness Campaign | The Idaho Weed Awareness Campaign, or IWAC, was created in 2001 by the efforts of the Idaho Weed Coordinating Committee. Its mission is to create public awareness and education to help the people of Idaho understand the economic and environmental impacts of invasive weeds and support the implementation of all aspects of integrated weed management. A highlight of this website is our "Virtual Field Guide" where you can visit 360 degree panorama images, video and multimedia, and a "Reference Library" providing information about each of the 64 Noxious Weeds, including tips for identifying and eradication. | 64 | Free | Lists and Interactive Map Links | html | Yes | 300 |
Idaho | Idaho's Noxious Weeds | Department of Plant, Soil and Entomological Sciences College of Agricultural and Life Sciences University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho: Includes Pictures of Rosettes and Seedlings, Habitat, and Updated Distribution Maps. | 64 |
$4.00 |
Text with Images | Booklet | Yes | 100 |
Idaho | Northwest Weeds | Author: Taylor, Ronald J. Pages: 183. Northwest Weeds describes and illustrates the prominent and ever-present weeds of the northwestern United States and adjacent Canada. Full-color photographs and the accompanying text emphasize the weeds' identifying characteristics. The book includes information on the origin, distribution, aggressiveness, and edibility of each weed. | 179 |
$11.20 |
Text with Images | Soft Bound | Yes | N/A |
Idaho | Weeds of the Northern U. S. & Canada: A Guide for Identification | By France Royer, Richard Dickinson: 434 pages, over 750 color photographs & 150 line drawings. Detailed descriptions of weeds at all growth stages. Illustrated Glossary, reference list and index. The easy to read text is complemented by excellent photographs. | 209 |
$14.93 |
Text with Images | Soft Bound | Yes | N/A |
Idaho | Weeds of the Northeast | By Richard H. Uva, Joseph C. Neal, Joseph M. Ditomaso: 416 pages, a highly-illustrated manual to 299 common & economically important weeds in the region south to Virginia, north to Maine & southern Canada, and west to Wisconsin. A fold-out grass i.d. table that provides diagnostic information for weedy grasses in an easy-to-use tabular key. A comprehensive guide. 6 x 9, 397p, color photos, line drawings, 1997. | 203 |
$29.95 |
Text with Images | Soft Bound | Yes |
N/A |
Idaho | Weeds of the West | Weeds of the West is an extensive (640 pages), easy-to-use guide written by seven Extension Specialists and published by the Wyoming Agricultural Extension. 900 color photographs show more than 350 weed species occurring in 12 states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. | 278 |
$60 |
Text with Images | Soft Bound | Yes |
N/A |
Idaho | 1200 Weeds of North America | A comprehensive weed identification reference by XID Services for North America including Canada and USA. The DVD contains an interactive key for identifying unknown weeds and the images of 200 grass-like weeds and 1000 broadleaf weeds. Advanced software enables selection by region and key plant features. | 560 |
$49.95 |
Select by key plant features and region | DVD | Yes |
300 |
Idaho | Interactive Encyclopedia of North American Weeds | The Windows DVD-ROM contains interactive tutorials on plant identification, animations, hundreds of custom illustrations, and over 2,400 photographs. Now covering 447 weed and crop species with complete descriptions, distribution maps for the continental United States (including Alaska) and Canada, habitats, and descriptions for 67 plant families. | 215 |
$59.95 |
Select by key plant features | DVD-ROM | Yes |
300 |
Idaho | Weeds of the United States and Canada | Southern Weed Science Society (SWSS): Version 2.0 now covers 362 weeds (Version 1.0 had 300) and also includes the major agronomic crops. It has an interactive key to identifying seedling grasses, descriptions of over 70 plant families, Larry Mitich's 'Intriguing World of Weeds' articles (courtesy of the WSSA), collar illustrations of all 79 grass species, audio narration of the tutorial sections, and much enhanced interactive quizzes and games in the tutorial section. | 179 | $120.00 | Select by key plant features | CD-Rom | Yes |
300 |
Idaho |
Idaho Weeds... |
More Weed ID files for Idaho | ||||||
Idaho | Multi-state Regions | Gardening Books by State or Province | Need help to remove troublesome weeds in Idaho? | |||||
Illinois IL | Resource | Species # | Price | Selection | Medium | Images | Size KB | |
Illinois | Invaders Database System University of Montana - Missoula | List of 7 noxious weeds in Illinois identified as Noxious weed (Y). | 7 | Free | Name Links | html | 100 | |
Illinois | USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service | Illinois Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Environmental Programs. 2002. Illinois Noxious Weed Law and Rules. | 10 | Free | Name Links | html | Most | 100 |
Illinois | Invasive Plants of Northeastern Illinois | Invasive plants represent a serious threat to the biological diversity of natural areas. The following is a list of invasive plant species commonly encountered in northeastern Illinois with links to detailed information on impacts and control of each species. | 12 | Free | Name Links | html | Yes | 100 |
Illinois | Weed Identification | Illinois Council on Food and Agricultural Research SRI Information systems and Technology: Enter information about an unidentified weed, and compare it with photographs and text descriptions of weeds that share similar characteristics. Keys include features of leaves, flowers, growth, ligules and life cycle. | 172 | Free | Select by Key Plant Features | html | Yes | 300 |
Illinois | Herbaceous Weeds of Southern Illinois Field Crops | The common names, botanical names and five-letter WSSA computer codes, for weeds correspond to the WSSA Composite List Of Weeds, Revised 1989. Southern Illinois University Weed Science. | 40 | Free | Name Links | Yes | 100 | |
Illinois | Weed Science at the University of Illinois | Broadleaf (63) and grasslike (5) weeds with identification keys by College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. | 68 | Free | Name Links | html | Yes | 100 |
Illinois | Exotic Species Photo Gallery | Illinois Department of Natural Resources provides photos of 49 images and descriptive information about exotic species in Illinois. Exotic species are those organisms introduced into habitats where they are not native. Invasive exotic species are organisms not native to a region, and whose introduction causes economic or environmental harm or harm to human health. | 49 | Free | Name Links | html | Yes | 100 |
Illinois | Vegetation Management Guideline | This Vegetation Management Manual was developed by the Illinois Nature Preserves Commission to provide volunteer groups, laypersons, natural area owners, wildland owners, and other interested individuals with easy-to-understand methods for controlling undesirable vegetation in natural areas. The manual primarily consists of 25 individual guidelines, each describing the best control techniques recognized to date for a given species. | 25 | Free | Name Links | html | Yes | 100 |
Illinois | Plants Toxic to Animals | Veterinary Medicine Library, UIUC: This database was created in order to assist the University of Illinois veterinary students in identifying common plants that are toxic to animals. | 79 | Free | Name Links | html | Most | 60 |
Illinois | Pocket Identification Guide of Early Season Weed Species | Photos of species at various growth stages -Seedling - Mature formatted as a small booklet to fit in your pocket. Weed Science – Extension University of Illinois. | 19 |
$3.00 |
N/A | Printed Booklet | Yes | N/A |
Illinois | Identifying Early-Season Weed Species | Weed Science – Extension University of Illinois: This information with photos is also available in printed booklet format linked above. | 19 | Free | Text with Images | html | Yes | 30 |
Illinois | Northwest Weeds | Author: Taylor, Ronald J. Pages: 183. Northwest Weeds describes and illustrates the prominent and ever-present weeds of the northwestern United States and adjacent Canada. Full-color photographs and the accompanying text emphasize the weeds' identifying characteristics. The book includes information on the origin, distribution, aggressiveness, and edibility of each weed. | 164 |
$11.20 |
Text with Images | Soft Bound | Yes | N/A |
Illinois | Weeds of the Northern U. S. & Canada: A Guide for Identification | By France Royer, Richard Dickinson: 434 pages, over 750 color photographs & 150 line drawings. Detailed descriptions of weeds at all growth stages. Illustrated Glossary, reference list and index. The easy to read text is complemented by excellent photographs. | 214 |
$14.93 |
Text with Images | Soft Bound | Yes | N/A |
Illinois | Weeds of the Northeast | By Richard H. Uva, Joseph C. Neal, Joseph M. Ditomaso: 416 pages, a highly-illustrated manual to 299 common & economically important weeds in the region south to Virginia, north to Maine & southern Canada, and west to Wisconsin. A fold-out grass i.d. table that provides diagnostic information for weedy grasses in an easy-to-use tabular key. A comprehensive guide. 6 x 9, 397p, color photos, line drawings, 1997. | 275 |
$29.95 |
Text with Images | Soft Bound | Yes |
N/A |
Illinois | Weeds of the West | Weeds of the West is an extensive (640 pages), easy-to-use guide written by seven Extension Specialists and published by the Wyoming Agricultural Extension. 900 color photographs show more than 350 weed species occurring in 12 states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. | 251 |
$60 |
Text with Images | Soft Bound | Yes |
N/A |
Illinois | 1200 Weeds of North America | A comprehensive weed identification reference by XID Services for North America including Canada and USA. The DVD contains an interactive key for identifying unknown weeds and the images of 200 grass-like weeds and 1000 broadleaf weeds. Advanced software enables selection by region and key plant features. | 760 |
$49.95 |
Select by key plant features and region | DVD | Yes |
300 |
Illinois | Interactive Encyclopedia of North American Weeds | The Windows DVD-ROM contains interactive tutorials on plant identification, animations, hundreds of custom illustrations, and over 2,400 photographs. Now covering 447 weed and crop species with complete descriptions, distribution maps for the continental United States (including Alaska) and Canada, habitats, and descriptions for 67 plant families. | 353 |
$59.95 |
Select by key plant features | DVD-ROM | Yes |
300 |
Illinois | Weeds of the United States and Canada | Southern Weed Science Society (SWSS): Version 2.0 now covers 362 weeds (Version 1.0 had 300) and also includes the major agronomic crops. It has an interactive key to identifying seedling grasses, descriptions of over 70 plant families, Larry Mitich's 'Intriguing World of Weeds' articles (courtesy of the WSSA), collar illustrations of all 79 grass species, audio narration of the tutorial sections, and much enhanced interactive quizzes and games in the tutorial section. | 301 | $120.00 | Select by key plant features | CD-Rom | Yes |
300 |
Illinois |
Illinois Weeds... |
More Weed ID files for Illinois | ||||||
Illinois | Multi-state Regions | Gardening Books by State or Province | Need help to remove troublesome weeds in Illinois? | |||||
Indiana IN | Resource | Species # | Price | Selection | Medium | Images | Size KB | |
Indiana | Invaders Database System University of Montana - Missoula | List of 24 noxious weeds in Indiana where the species are identified as Detrimental plant that must be destroyed (1), Planting is prohibited without a permit (2), Prohibited noxious weed seed (S1), Restricted noxious weed seed: seed may not contain over one quarter of one percent by weight (S2). | 24 | Free | Name Links | html | 100 | |
Indiana | USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service | Indiana Department of Natural Resources. Division of Entomology and Plant Pathology. 2003. Summary of Plant Protection Regulations. | 7 | Free | Name Links | html | Most | 100 |
Indiana | Invasive Plants in Indiana | Indiana Native Plant and Wildflower Society Invasive Plants in Indiana. | 10 | Free | Text with Images | html | Yes | 30 |
Indiana | Common Weeds of No-Till Cropping Systems | The switch from conventional tillage to no-tillage cropping systems generally creates a shift in weed species. Over time, small-seeded annual broadleaf weeds and perennial weeds become more prevalent in no-tillage fields. Indiana, Purdue University Department of Botany and Plant Pathology. | 16 | Free | Text with Images | html | Yes | 100 |
Indiana | Indiana Plants Poisonous to Livestock and Pets | Cooperative Extension Service, Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana: This material is for informational purposes only, not as a guide to home treatment. Contact a veterinarian or poison control center in any case of suspected poisoning. | 68 | Free | Name Links | html | Yes | 30 |
Indiana | Turfgrass Identification Tool | Purdue University, Indiana: This diagnostic tool will enable the user to learn the essential features of the turfgrass plant and identify major turfgrass species present in lawns and other turfgrass areas. | 21 | Free | Select Prompted Grass Features | html | Yes | 100 |
Indiana | Northwest Weeds | Author: Taylor, Ronald J. Pages: 183. Northwest Weeds describes and illustrates the prominent and ever-present weeds of the northwestern United States and adjacent Canada. Full-color photographs and the accompanying text emphasize the weeds' identifying characteristics. The book includes information on the origin, distribution, aggressiveness, and edibility of each weed. | 159 |
$11.20 |
Text with Images | Soft Bound | Yes | N/A |
Indiana | Weeds of the Northern U. S. & Canada: A Guide for Identification | By France Royer, Richard Dickinson: 434 pages, over 750 color photographs & 150 line drawings. Detailed descriptions of weeds at all growth stages. Illustrated Glossary, reference list and index. The easy to read text is complemented by excellent photographs. | 191 |
$14.93 |
Text with Images | Soft Bound | Yes | N/A |
Indiana | Weeds of the Northeast | By Richard H. Uva, Joseph C. Neal, Joseph M. Ditomaso: 416 pages, a highly-illustrated manual to 299 common & economically important weeds in the region south to Virginia, north to Maine & southern Canada, and west to Wisconsin. A fold-out grass i.d. table that provides diagnostic information for weedy grasses in an easy-to-use tabular key. A comprehensive guide. 6 x 9, 397p, color photos, line drawings, 1997. | 266 |
$29.95 |
Text with Images | Soft Bound | Yes |
N/A |
Indiana | Weeds of the West | Weeds of the West is an extensive (640 pages), easy-to-use guide written by seven Extension Specialists and published by the Wyoming Agricultural Extension. 900 color photographs show more than 350 weed species occurring in 12 states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. | 228 |
$60 |
Text with Images | Soft Bound | Yes |
N/A |
Indiana | 1200 Weeds of North America | A comprehensive weed identification reference by XID Services for North America including Canada and USA. The DVD contains an interactive key for identifying unknown weeds and the images of 200 grass-like weeds and 1000 broadleaf weeds. Advanced software enables selection by region and key plant features. | 673 |
$49.95 |
Select by key plant features and region | DVD | Yes |
300 |
Indiana | Interactive Encyclopedia of North American Weeds | The Windows DVD-ROM contains interactive tutorials on plant identification, animations, hundreds of custom illustrations, and over 2,400 photographs. Now covering 447 weed and crop species with complete descriptions, distribution maps for the continental United States (including Alaska) and Canada, habitats, and descriptions for 67 plant families. | 315 |
$59.95 |
Select by key plant features | DVD-ROM | Yes |
300 |
Indiana | Weeds of the United States and Canada | Southern Weed Science Society (SWSS): Version 2.0 now covers 362 weeds (Version 1.0 had 300) and also includes the major agronomic crops. It has an interactive key to identifying seedling grasses, descriptions of over 70 plant families, Larry Mitich's 'Intriguing World of Weeds' articles (courtesy of the WSSA), collar illustrations of all 79 grass species, audio narration of the tutorial sections, and much enhanced interactive quizzes and games in the tutorial section. | 268 | $120.00 | Select by key plant features | CD-Rom | Yes |
300 |
Indiana |
Indiana Weeds... |
More Weed ID files for Indiana | ||||||
Indiana | Multi-state Regions | Gardening Books by State or Province | Need help to remove troublesome weeds in Indiana? | |||||
Iowa IA | Resource | Species # | Price | Selection | Medium | Images | Size KB | |
Iowa | Invaders Database System University of Montana - Missoula | List of 28 noxious weeds in Iowa where the weeds are categorized as Primary noxious weed (1), Secondary noxious weed (2). | 28 | Free | Name Links | html | 100 | |
Iowa | USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service | Iowa Department of Agriculture & land Stewardship. 2002. The Iowa Weed Law. | 36 | Free | Name Links | html | Most | 100 |
Iowa | Noxious & Invasive Weed Species to be Controlled in Johnson County | The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship and the Code of Iowa have declared 27 species of plants as noxious weeds which need to be controlled. In addition to the State of Iowa Noxious Weed List, Johnson County lists an additional 4 species of noxious weeds. | 31 | Free | Name Links | html | Yes | 30 |
Iowa | Iowa's Noxious Weeds | The intent of the noxious weed law is to protect landowners from having their land invaded by weeds growing on adjacent land. The law gives each county the authority to order the destruction of weeds classified as noxious by the state. If the owner of the land fails to address the weed problem, the county can assess the owner a fine and control the weeds and charge the landowner for the costs of the control tactic. The noxious weeds are classed either as primary or secondary, but this status only applies to the Iowa Seed Law. The Seed Law defines how many weed seeds can be present in certified crop seed. | 26 | Free | Name Links | html | Yes | 200 |
Iowa | Weedy Grasses in Iowa - Non-native Species | Iowa has a few native grasses that have weedy growth habits, but the majority of the weedy grasses in Iowa are exotics, grasses that have been introduced from other countries, or, as in the case of fall Panicum (Panicum dichotomiflorum), from another region of the United States. | 25 | Free | Name Links | html | Yes | 100 |
Iowa | Weed Seedling Identification | Iowa State University Extension Department of Agronomy Weed Science: This is a web version of a slide set developed in cooperation with the ISU Agribusiness Education Program. | 20 | Free | Name Links | html | Yes | 20 |
Iowa | Northwest Weeds | Author: Taylor, Ronald J. Pages: 183. Northwest Weeds describes and illustrates the prominent and ever-present weeds of the northwestern United States and adjacent Canada. Full-color photographs and the accompanying text emphasize the weeds' identifying characteristics. The book includes information on the origin, distribution, aggressiveness, and edibility of each weed. | 149 |
$11.20 |
Text with Images | Soft Bound | Yes | N/A |
Iowa | Weeds of the Northern U. S. & Canada: A Guide for Identification | By France Royer, Richard Dickinson: 434 pages, over 750 color photographs & 150 line drawings. Detailed descriptions of weeds at all growth stages. Illustrated Glossary, reference list and index. The easy to read text is complemented by excellent photographs. | 202 |
$14.93 |
Text with Images | Soft Bound | Yes | N/A |
Iowa | Weeds of the Northeast | By Richard H. Uva, Joseph C. Neal, Joseph M. Ditomaso: 416 pages, a highly-illustrated manual to 299 common & economically important weeds in the region south to Virginia, north to Maine & southern Canada, and west to Wisconsin. A fold-out grass i.d. table that provides diagnostic information for weedy grasses in an easy-to-use tabular key. A comprehensive guide. 6 x 9, 397p, color photos, line drawings, 1997. | 256 |
$29.95 |
Text with Images | Soft Bound | Yes |
N/A |
Iowa | Weeds of the West | Weeds of the West is an extensive (640 pages), easy-to-use guide written by seven Extension Specialists and published by the Wyoming Agricultural Extension. 900 color photographs show more than 350 weed species occurring in 12 states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. | 230 |
$60 |
Text with Images | Soft Bound | Yes |
N/A |
Iowa | 1200 Weeds of North America | A comprehensive weed identification reference by XID Services for North America including Canada and USA. The DVD contains an interactive key for identifying unknown weeds and the images of 200 grass-like weeds and 1000 broadleaf weeds. Advanced software enables selection by region and key plant features. | 640 |
$49.95 |
Select by key plant features and region | DVD | Yes |
300 |
Iowa | Interactive Encyclopedia of North American Weeds | The Windows DVD-ROM contains interactive tutorials on plant identification, animations, hundreds of custom illustrations, and over 2,400 photographs. Now covering 447 weed and crop species with complete descriptions, distribution maps for the continental United States (including Alaska) and Canada, habitats, and descriptions for 67 plant families. | 293 |
$59.95 |
Select by key plant features | DVD-ROM | Yes |
300 |
Iowa | Weeds of the United States and Canada | Southern Weed Science Society (SWSS): Version 2.0 now covers 362 weeds (Version 1.0 had 300) and also includes the major agronomic crops. It has an interactive key to identifying seedling grasses, descriptions of over 70 plant families, Larry Mitich's 'Intriguing World of Weeds' articles (courtesy of the WSSA), collar illustrations of all 79 grass species, audio narration of the tutorial sections, and much enhanced interactive quizzes and games in the tutorial section. | 243 | $120.00 | Select by key plant features | CD-Rom | Yes |
300 |
Iowa |
Iowa Weeds... |
More Weed ID files for Iowa | ||||||
Iowa | Multi-state Regions | Gardening Books by State or Province | Need help to remove troublesome weeds in Iowa? | |||||
Kansas KS | Resource | Species # | Price | Selection | Medium | Images | Size KB | |
Kansas | Invaders Database System University of Montana - Missoula | List of 15 noxious weeds in Kansas where the weeds are identified as Noxious weed (Y), County-level noxious weed (Y2). | 15 | Free | Name Links | html | 100 | |
Kansas | USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service | Kansas Department of Agriculture. Division of Plant Health. 2003. Kansas Noxious Weed Law. | 16 | Free | Name Links | html | Most | 100 |
Kansas | Western State and Provincial Weed List | In Kansas, it is the duty of anyone who owns or supervises land "to control the spread of and to eradicate" all 12 noxious weeds. In addition, any county may declare one or both of the following 2 species "noxious" within the county and state statutes regarding control and eradiation will apply. | 14 | Free | Name List Only | html | None | N/A |
Kansas | Weeds of Kansas | Dallas Peterson, Kansas State University, PowerPoint presentation. | 93 | Free | Image Slides | Power- Point | Yes | 100 |
Kansas | Aquatic Vegetation Management | Dallas Peterson, Kansas State University, PowerPoint presentation. | 20 | Free | Image Slides | Power- Point | Yes | 100 |
Kansas | Plant Protection Photo Gallery Noxious Weeds | Kansas Department of Agriculture Plant Protection and Weed Control Program. Tom Sim, Program Manager. |
11 | Free | Name Links | html | Yes | 100-300 |
Kansas | Northwest Weeds | Author: Taylor, Ronald J. Pages: 183. Northwest Weeds describes and illustrates the prominent and ever-present weeds of the northwestern United States and adjacent Canada. Full-color photographs and the accompanying text emphasize the weeds' identifying characteristics. The book includes information on the origin, distribution, aggressiveness, and edibility of each weed. | 142 |
$11.20 |
Text with Images | Soft Bound | Yes | N/A |
Kansas | Weeds of the Northern U. S. & Canada: A Guide for Identification | By France Royer, Richard Dickinson: 434 pages, over 750 color photographs & 150 line drawings. Detailed descriptions of weeds at all growth stages. Illustrated Glossary, reference list and index. The easy to read text is complemented by excellent photographs. | 176 |
$14.93 |
Text with Images | Soft Bound | Yes | N/A |
Kansas | Weeds of the Northeast | By Richard H. Uva, Joseph C. Neal, Joseph M. Ditomaso: 416 pages, a highly-illustrated manual to 299 common & economically important weeds in the region south to Virginia, north to Maine & southern Canada, and west to Wisconsin. A fold-out grass i.d. table that provides diagnostic information for weedy grasses in an easy-to-use tabular key. A comprehensive guide. 6 x 9, 397p, color photos, line drawings, 1997. | 243 |
$29.95 |
Text with Images | Soft Bound | Yes |
N/A |
Kansas | Weeds of the West | Weeds of the West is an extensive (640 pages), easy-to-use guide written by seven Extension Specialists and published by the Wyoming Agricultural Extension. 900 color photographs show more than 350 weed species occurring in 12 states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. | 256 |
$60 |
Text with Images | Soft Bound | Yes |
N/A |
Kansas | 1200 Weeds of North America | A comprehensive weed identification reference by XID Services for North America including Canada and USA. The DVD contains an interactive key for identifying unknown weeds and the images of 200 grass-like weeds and 1000 broadleaf weeds. Advanced software enables selection by region and key plant features. | 643 |
$49.95 |
Select by key plant features and region | DVD | Yes |
300 |
Kansas | Interactive Encyclopedia of North American Weeds | The Windows DVD-ROM contains interactive tutorials on plant identification, animations, hundreds of custom illustrations, and over 2,400 photographs. Now covering 447 weed and crop species with complete descriptions, distribution maps for the continental United States (including Alaska) and Canada, habitats, and descriptions for 67 plant families. | 323 |
$59.95 |
Select by key plant features | DVD-ROM | Yes |
300 |
Kansas | Weeds of the United States and Canada | Southern Weed Science Society (SWSS): Version 2.0 now covers 362 weeds (Version 1.0 had 300) and also includes the major agronomic crops. It has an interactive key to identifying seedling grasses, descriptions of over 70 plant families, Larry Mitich's 'Intriguing World of Weeds' articles (courtesy of the WSSA), collar illustrations of all 79 grass species, audio narration of the tutorial sections, and much enhanced interactive quizzes and games in the tutorial section. | 274 | $120.00 | Select by key plant features | CD-Rom | Yes |
300 |
Kansas |
Kansas Weeds... |
More Weed ID files for Kansas | ||||||
Kansas | Multi-state Regions | Gardening Books by State or Province | Need help to remove troublesome weeds in Kansas? |
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