What kinds of
weeds do you have? How do you get rid of
them? Here you can discover the scientific names
and descriptions of your own troublesome weeds. Learn about
weed names and weed control methods by viewing pictures of weeds in many
of the over 200 Weed
Identification References by State or Province in North America. For a state-by-state list of noxious weeds, see the US Department of Agriculture Invaders Database System. Beautifully illustrated reference books about weeds in various regions, are also listed in the Ergonica Garden Books page. Lawn Conversion means different things to different folks. To some it means seasonal changes to different grasses every year. To others it means going native, that is getting rid of high-cost lawns in favor of low-cost native plant gardens. To land managers, as in public parks and conservatories, it means using public lands to benefit the consumers without maintaining costly grass lawns in areas where lawns are not really appreciated or necessary. Are your weeds officially categorized as noxious weeds? What is a noxious weed? Detailed online images make some weeds even look beautiful! Invasive weeds often spread exponentially. Most weeds originally were spread from Europe and the Middle East. They may have grown unnoticed for many years. This initial incubation period was followed by a firestorm of growth across several states. The Bureau of Land Management estimates that noxious weeds are consuming 4600 acres per day on western public lands. In agriculture, it has been estimated that nearly ten billions of dollars in crop yield are lost each year because of noxious weeds. Information about what tools to use for weeding and how to use them is also available on this site. Join us for an educational tour of The World of Weeds by exploring the information that follows. This includes weeding tips, scientific studies of where weeds come from, agricultural and horticultural methods to control weeds, sites that list and categorize weeds of all types. Special tips for Garden Weeding Tips - Special Weed Removal Tips for Seniors who increasingly turn to gardening for enjoyment and recreation are also included. |
Is Lawn Conversion In Your Future?Maybe you should Go Native!That is, Convert Your Lawn to Native Plants!See all kinds of WEEDERS and garden tools Free Weed Control How-To DownloadsWhat Types of Weeders do you need?12 - Step Herbicide Detoxification ProgramSee over 200 Weed
Identification References by State or Province in North America
Some people enjoy
getting their hands in the dirt and others would rather
use a tool or chemicals to help get the job done more
efficiently. The information available about weeds may be an overkill if all you're looking for is a simple solution to removing dandelions. If you enjoy the look and feel of beautifully illustrated paper books, you should also see our special selection of weed tips and organic gardening titles from Amazon.com, Spend a few minutes looking at each link below to become familiar with the types of information available. See the Ergonica Weed Identification Reference Matrix for a comprehensive table of over 200 weeds references in North America. |
A Natural Lawn Care Herbicide - Corn Gluten Meal: Corn gluten meal prevents sprouting seeds from developing normal roots. This does not directly kill the seedlings, but makes them susceptible to dehydration if the soil gets dry. Established plants are not affected. Pesticide.org - Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticide Growing Houseplants Without Using Pesticides: ...about 75 percent of American families have plants in their homes. Occasionally these plants have problems with pests, but it’s not necessary to use pesticides when this happens. Pesticide.org - Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticide Tilling the Garden at Night: Some weeds won't germinate except in daylight. Studies have shown that tilling the garden at night can significantly reduce weed germination from seeds already in your soil. Keeping your hoes, weed twisters and pullers clean by washing them off after use will also keep tiny seeds from following your tracks. This goes for you boots or gardening shoes, as well. There's more to weeds than weeding, says Chapel Hill horticulturist - newsobserver.com February 15, 2015 Vinegar as an Organic Weed Killer: A recent articles have sparked a lot of local interest in the promise of vinegar as an herbicide. Yes, even regular household vinegar works! Since the number of organic products available for killing unwanted weeds is extremely limited, the vinegar solution is a most welcome addition. The Garden Counselor Weed out those 'plants out of place' organically: I get many questions about how to control weeds in lawns and gardens organically and selectively. Honestly, that presents a challenge, but with a little patience and dedication, satisfactory results are achievable. HeraldTribune.com, Joe Lamp'l DIY Network July 22, 2007
The Pesticide Problem: The City of Belleville’s current battle over creating a pesticide bylaw is not an isolated one. The war on pesticides is currently being fought in council chambers and public meetings across this country (Canada). To date, an estimated 125 municipalities in six provinces have pesticide bylaws. Your Earth Blogspot, Suzanne Elston March 13, 2007 Caring for your lawn naturally: For many homeowners, a healthy, lush lawn is a top priority throughout the spring and summer seasons. If done right, it can be maintained all season long using natural methods and products. Use weeding tools to remove isolated weeds. OttawaCitizen.com News Canada April 10, 2008 Organic weed control: In order to become more "green" in our gardening practices, many of us have adopted new gardening practices and abandoned some of the products that we once used exclusively in favor of more "earth-friendly," organic ones. The one area that is the hardest to change for most gardeners is the use of potent herbicides in weed control. Mail Tribune - Southern Oregon's News Source, Stan Mapolski April 18, 2008 Natural Weed Control? A thick cover of native plants, such as the potentilla and strawberries shown here, can help to choke out weeds. However, corn gluten looks like a promising way to prevent weed seeds from germinating in early spring, when coverage may not be so lush. Wild Flora's Wild Gardening July 15, 2007 Grass Warfare: Is what you put on your lawn your own business? Growing local movements say using pesticides is a choice that affects the whole neighborhood. The battle over how 'green' your grass should be. Neighborhood activists argue that using pesticides on one lawn exposes everyone nearby to the chemicals, including kids and pets. See video. The Wall Street Journal Online, Gwendolyn Bounds, July 7, 2007 Dandelions? I think I already know the answer, but does anyone know of any ecofriendly tips for killing them? I've been digging them out 'til my back hurts......and the next day the yard will be covered with a new crop of blooms. I really don't like using harsh chemicals but wouldn't be above trying something less draconian......that wouldn't kill surrounding grass, if there is such a miracle out there, which I doubt. But you never know; Y!Answers has surprised me before! ..There is a tool called a weed puller... Yahoo! Answers: Best Answer - Chosen By Voters April, 2007 Looking for the ultimate tool for digging up bulbous weeds like wild garlic and taproot weeds? I'm looking for the ultimate tool for digging up bulbous weeds like wild garlic and taproot weeds. So far the asparagus knife (shaped like a straightened snake tongue attached to a handle) seems to work the best but this is very time consuming and requires a "pry angle" that requires space I do not always have... and the weed twister is a good idea. Yahoo! Answers: Best Answer - Chosen By Voters March, 2007 The Zen of Weeding: An hour passes, then another. There is no world beyond this third of a suburban acre and the rhythm of pulling up crabgrass. Now the only solution, except to let nature take its unruly course, is to get down and dirty. Sweat is dripping onto my glasses. A blister is rising on a couple of fingertips. (See also Zen Weeding from Ergonica) The Boston Globe, John Powers September 21, 2003 Alternative Weed and Pest Control: For years, now we have heard about the negative impact of Pesticides on the environment. The professional users of pesticides are responsible applicators using them in a safe and appropriate manner. It has been the non-professional users who have gotten us in trouble...There are a lot of alternatives available, for example you can use a Dandelion Popper, Weed Twister, Ergo Weeder, Garden Hoe, Scuffle Hoe, Circle Hoe or Deck Flosser. Bruce Zimmerman brucezimmerman.com The Art of Weeding: Part 1 - A year-round strategy for organic weed control - Here are some helpful tips to make life with weeds a little easier. In this article, we'll discuss how weeds impact your garden and how to stop their advance. Weeding might be considered a nasty chore, but it's a great way to really get to know what's going on in your garden. Marion Owen, Fearless Weeder for PlanTea, Inc. and
Co-author of Chicken Soup for the Gardener's SoulThe Art of Weeding: Part 2 - A year-round strategy for organic weed control - In this article, we'll learn how to get rid of weeds, naturally, tools for the job and how weeds can even be good for you and your garden. In the garden, the bigger the weeds, the harder it is to control them. The first step to controlling weeds is to get into the habit of going on patrol in your garden. Marion Owen, Fearless Weeder for PlanTea, Inc. and
Co-author of Chicken Soup for the Gardener's SoulA Primer on the disease Late Blight : There is no magic bullet for late blight. Good garden cleanup, crop rotations, and removing diseased plant material will all help; but the spores are so mobile that there are no guarantees. Removing all weedy varieties of nightshade is a good idea. It is also a good idea to pull any volunteer potato plants as soon as they appear, to minimize the possibility of infected plants spreading the disease. The Westside Gardner, FAQ Regarding Late Blight by Travis Saling Pick A Peck of (Air) Potatoes: It’s potato-picking time! No, it’s not time to harvest the "roots" of your garden labors, but it is time to prevent the spread of one of our most difficult weed problems. Air Potatoes are a killer vine that can even out-compete kudzu. With spring’s arrival, it is ready to begin to grow over your favorite landscape plants and take over our roadsides and natural areas. University of Florida, Okeechobee County Extension Service, Dan Culbert - Extension Horticulture Agent March 7, 2004 Companion Planting - a Complete Guide to Growing Healthy Plants: Organic methods to use companion plants to control pests without the need for toxic chemicals. Special e-book you can download for $9.57. Learn how to create an organic food system where your plants do the work and provide a healthier lifestyle for you and your family. Companion Planting - a Complete Guide to Growing Healthy Plants Try a Long-Handled Diamond Hoe for Weeding: Many of the hoes commonly used for weeding can strain your back, neck, shoulders, and arms because they force you to adopt a stooped position. Consider a long handled diamond hoe instead of what you currently use. University of Wisconsin Healthy Farmers, Healthy Profits Project, Dec. 2001; Second Edition.by Astrid Newenhouse, Bob Meyer, Marcia Miquelon and Larry Chapman Need a Web Place for your photos? Check out 4evernear.com
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Weed Science for Home and Agricultural Weed Removal and Control
Garden Weeding Tips for Lawn Conversion
See the Garden Tools page for a comprehensive listing of Weed Solutions including Mechanical Weeders, Weed Twisters, Weed Pullers, Weed Poppers, Weed Flamers, Weed Removal Hand Tools, Weed Hounds, Weed Claws, Garden Weasels, Weed Hoes, Weed Whips, Weed Hooks, Weed Cutters, Weed Scythes, Weed Cultivators, Weed Diggers, Weed Trimmers, Weed Grubbers, Weed Gloves and other tools and accessories including Organic Weed Herbicides and Weed Barriers and special Ergonomic Tools for people with arthritis or CTS.
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