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Weed Science for Home and Agricultural Weed Identification and Control

Weed Facts Cornell University
Weed Info North Carolina State University
Where Do Weeds Come From? University of Nebraska
Weed Images and Descriptions Rutgers Cooperative Extension
Weed Photo Gallery University of California Integrated Pest Management
Weed Classification University of Florida Extension
Weed Science University of Missouri-Columbia

The New Organic Grower : A Master's Manual of Tools and Techniques for the Home and Market Gardener

Coleman's personable work draws together the experience and wisdom of his 25 years as a vegetable gardener in Maine. It includes nearly all the material in the previous edition (LJ 11/1/89), communicating a respect and feeling for "the land" and its processes. Every page is imbued with the wisdom and careful observations he and his associates have gathered; from soil structure to "mobile greenhouses" that expand the growing season, each method is thought through to its ultimate impact on the earth and on economic survival. Well-presented graphics illustrate methods and techniques.

The New Organic Grower: A Master's Manual of Tools and Techniques for the Home and Market Gardener

The New Organic Grower : A Master's Manual of Tools and Techniques for the Home and Market Gardener
by Eliot Coleman, Sheri Amsel (Illustrator), Molly Cook Field (Illustrator)

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Springtime weed control: Four keys to an effective weed management program are: knowing the types of weeds present, the problems they cause, estimating their economic thresholds and knowing their available management options. Start by identifying the weed as a grass, broadleaf or sedge. In pasture or range situations, a general rule of thumb is--reducing 1 pound of weeds will result in 1 pound of additional forage production. High Plains / Midwest Ag Journal, Miles Dabovich, Texas Agrilife Extension Service agriculture agent, Wichita County April 20, 2008  

Berry growers face unique weed control challenges: With the phasing out of methyl bromide, California berry growers are facing more weed control challenges than growers of other specialty crops. Garroutte Farms has been moving to full bed mulch earlier in the season to improve weed control. The full plastic mulch installed at pre-planting gives a longer period of weed control, according to Matthews. Additionally, herbicides in the furrow can reduce weed pressure as well as the need for hand weeding. Matthews has been working with Chateau in row middles at pre-plant. Western Farm Press by Brenda Carol March 11, 2008 

Protecting Sustainable Resources: Voting Organic with your Dollars and Sense - Environmentalism is a colossal topic, and even though there are more environmentalists now than ever before, the majority of us do not always have time for the full story. When looking into where our food comes from, it becomes clear that the organic movement is deeply rooted in environmentalism as a whole. CCOF California Certified Organic Farmers - Colleen Bednarz Winter 2007

Weeds > Weeding > Weeders:  For the home or small plot grower, those unwanted, plants-out-place pose an ongoing management challenge, especially where situations, attitudes, or other reasons dictate a mainly non-herbicidal approach. Integrated Plant Protection Center - IPMnet Newsletter July 2006, Issue no. 148

OSCAR software launched in India: The Project Aimed at building an open source weed identification system for the major weed species for Rice-Wheat cropping systems of Indo-Gangetic plains covering Pakistan, India, Nepal and Bangladesh.  Digital Opportunity News 25.04.2006

Farmers urged to adopt organic farming system: The Camarines Sur State Agricultural College (CSSAC) here is encouraging farmers in the Bicol region to adopt the System of Rice Intensification (SRI), an organic farming system, instead of the conventional farming method, which is highly dependent on chemical fertilizers, pesticides and irrigation. bayanihan, Philippines, November 13, 2006

Need Better Weeding Tools for Protecting Organic Crops?

On The Farm: Controlling pond weed can be simple: In reality, control of moss and other aquatic plants need not be expensive or complicated. Such vegetation can be controlled by biological or chemical methods - either separately or in combination - in an integrated pest management approach. The Bryan-College Station Eagle

Fresh market growers share pest management strategies: With support from the Pesticide Use and Risk Reduction Project at CIAS, UW-Madison rural sociologist Pete Nowak and Extension IPM specialist Karen Delahaut surveyed Wisconsin fresh market vegetable and berry growers in 2001. They found that many fresh market vegetable and berry growers in Wisconsin use IPM practices. UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems December 2002

Demonstrating bio-control in strawberries: AgraPoint is currently halfway through the second year of a national bio-control demonstration trial in strawberries led by EarthTramper Consulting Inc., out of Ontario. The project has cooperators in Ontario, Nova Scotia, Quebec and British Columbia. The project is studying the use of predatory mites (Amblyseius fallacis) for the management of two-spotted spider mites. The Cultivator Farm Focus of Atlantic Canada, Peter Burgess July 12, 2007

Weed Control in Strawberry: Both winter and summer annual weeds are considered major weed problems in strawberry. However, winter annuals are more difficult to control than summer annuals, since the former develop mainly during the rainy wet season when cultivation is impossible. Typical annual weeds include pineappleweed, shepherdspurse, chickweed, clovers, common groundsel, common lambsquarters, wild mustard, barnyardgrass, wild buckwheat, redroot pigweed, ladysthumb, and annual bluegrass. Washington State University Cooperative Extension and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Kassim Al-Khatib Western Washington Weed Control Guide

Need Better Weeding Tools for Protecting Strawberries?

Strawberry Weed Control: Strawberries are one of the most popular fruits for home production.  However, one problem commonly experience by home strawberry growers is weed control. Because of the perennial nature of strawberries, there are very few herbicides that can be used to control weeds. University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the United States Department of Agriculture Horticulture Paradise News Release

Strawberries: Organic and IPM Options - European strawberry growers and researchers have led the way in innovations and research involving mechanical weed control in strawberries. Recent research in the U.S. has confirmed the usefulness of the flex-tine harrow, the brush hoe, and the finger weeder for weeding strawberry plantings. ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service By Guy Ames, Holly Born, and Martin Guerena NCAT Agriculture Specialists March 2003

Ten Steps Toward Organic Weed Control:  About one third of Vermont's vegetable farms are managed organically. On many others, herbicides are used only on a few of the crops. Vegetable farms here and throughout New England are relatively small, and tend to have many plantings of highly diverse crops, making it a hassle to spray different materials at different times. Necessity being the mother of invention, growers are finding ways to keep ahead of weeds using only cultural and mechanical methods.  University of Vermont Extension Vern Grubinger
Vegetable and Berry Specialist

Farmers reap billions in benefits from herbicide use: Use of herbicides saved U.S. farmers 337 million gallons of fuel in 2005, produced $16 billion in crop yield increases, and cut weed control costs by $10 billion, according to a study funded by member companies of CropLife America. Delta Farm Press, Hembree Brandon, June 29, 2006

Big sugar targets organic market: Today, Florida Crystals of West Palm Beach is the nation's only producer of certified organic sugar — grown without herbicides or pesticides. The rest of the nation's organic sugar supply is imported from other countries... Because of the proliferation of weeds, only one crop is harvested from each planting of organic cane, instead of the usual three years of crops from each conventional cane planting. Palm Beach Post,  Susan Salisbury, July 03, 2006

New mechanized weeding could replace hand labor:  System can tell the difference between crops and weeds - Over the past three years, David Slaughter, a researcher at the University of California-Davis, has been working on perfecting a precision weed control system that can tell the difference between weed seedlings and tomato seedlings in the field.  (See also Weed Twister Agricultural Applications) Capital Press, Lisa Lieberman, September 10, 2006

Weed by UV Light - Non-chemical Weed Control: An alternative to roundup and flame weeding.  Organic farming and gardening.  Kaj Jensen and Electro Light ApS Denmark
Home Lawn Weed Control


Cooperative Extension Service

Noxious Weeds Invaders Database System by State
Tom Clothier's Weed List Tom Clothier's Garden Walk and Talk

Noxious Weeds Invaders Database System

Common Weeds of No-Till Cropping Systems Purdue University Extension
Weed Science and Control in Australia Agriculture Western Australia
Mechanical Weed Control in Cereals Ecological Agricultural Projects
Carrot Integrated Weed Management University of California Integrated Pest Management
Weeding With Geese University of Missouri


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Garden Weeding Tips for Seniors Check it out!

Garden Weeding Tips for Lawn Conversion Check it out!

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Also, see our selection of beautifully illustrated Weed Books from Amazon.com

See the Garden Tools page for a comprehensive listing of Weed Solutions including Mechanical Weeders, Weed Twisters, Weed Pullers, Weed Poppers, Weed Flamers,  Weed Removal Hand Tools, Weed Hounds, Weed Claws, Garden Weasels, Weed Hoes, Weed Whips, Weed Hooks, Weed Cutters, Weed Scythes, Weed Cultivators, Weed Diggers, Weed Trimmers, Weed Grubbers, Weed Gloves and other tools and accessories including Organic Weed Herbicides and Weed Barriers and special Ergonomic Tools for people with arthritis or CTS.

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Musings of Dr. Yucca: Let your garden thrive! A safe and sane delight.

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