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Nature Alliteration ...

Pearl Mitchell
Columbus, GA

Ergonica Weed Poetry Winner for April, 2003

On a sparking summer afternoon
nature alliteration runs free
across the air, over the lawn,
and tauntingly through the trees.

Lovely lilies linger in sunlight,
daffodils dance defiantly till dusk
towering treetops thicken tightly
squirrels and birds build trust.

Weary weeds wonderingly wimp
in sunlight soft and searing
Astors avoid bumblebee disasters
and daffodils, roly-poly are nearing

Blue-lipped tulips two-step trickily
to the tune of trillions of bees
and streams of sunlight sift serenely
through branches and boughs so free.

Prose roses very gently are teased
by maundolinin' chrysanthemums fair
cheers do rise in caladium stadiums
and nasturtium interaction fills the air.

Few-trip tulips taunt defiant dandelions
forging foreign exotic vacations and
cranium geraniums pose their genius
to forget-me-nots at carnation station.

Petunia and onion and weed coexist
with day lily and morning glory bright
but in the corner in the shade the roses
with  worrisome weeds do fight

Nature alliteration!


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