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The Corner Lot

 Pat Waits
Tucson, AZ

Ergonica Weed Poetry Winner for May, 2004

They'd watch her color guard
Brilliant miniatures on parade
Town's only centurion, avid gardener
Took root in that white house, 1903

She'd weed between Hollyhock soldiers
Adding new pastels with motherly love
Yard aflit, flash of Hummers, Butterflies
Annuals reported back with favors, ten-fold

Methodical daily drills: Watering, hoeing
Keeping Prussian blues--yellows, purple-pinks
In step as their scents traveled via air-mail
Intoxicating old women in fancy hats on Sundays

      Foolish creatures of habit are we!
Expecting...    Spring's parade on the corner lot
Anticipating... Summer's brilliant growing show
Forgetting...   Gardens require drill sergeants
Summer's come 'n gone, no colors stand guard
A house remains, dull, shades drawn tight
Weeds unforgivingly choked all survivors
Volunteers did their best, soon withering to straw


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